Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. How does SourceCX ensure data security and privacy?

    We adhere to strict data security and privacy regulations like GDPR, HIPAA and are certified by third-party auditors for a range of privacy and security protocols, including SOC 2, ISO 27001, ISO 27701, and ISO 9001. SourceCX was awarded Fortress Cyber Security Awards in 2023 for both Leadership and Compliance. Every company process is informed by our focus on these concerns.

  • 2. How does SourceCX measure success and performance?

    Ultimately, we measure our success by the impact of our services on your long-term success. While we will work with you to build a suite of pertinent KPI’s, including NPR, CSAT, FCR, AHT and others to ensure SLA compliance, we don’t rest solely on transactional success. We aim to create a holistic solution that will help you realize your greater vision for your business.

  • 3. What Engagement Models are Possible?

    SourceCX offers fully managed services delivered according to mutually agreed SLA’s and measured by a full suite of KPI’s. We also offer fully transparent, cost-plus staff augmentation models as well as hybrid solutions that match your unique business needs.

  • 4. What is the process for transitioning services to SourceCX?

    The transition process involves detailed planning, knowledge transfer, setting up infrastructure and technologies, HR onboarding, training, pilot testing, and finally, full-scale implementation.

  • 5. What kind of customer support channels does SourceCX offer?

    SourceCX supports the full range of CX channels, including phone, email, live chat, social media, and self-service portals, working with clients to choose the right mix to meet their objectives.

  • 6. How does SourceCX handle peak volumes or seasonal fluctuations?

    SourceCX utilizes advanced workforce management strategies, including a mix of full-time and part-time agents and contract workers, as well as automation, to handle increased volumes.

  • 7. What is the average cost of SourceCX services?

    Costs vary widely depending on the service type, complexity, volume, and location, but SourceCX can save you more than 50% over traditional BPO solutions and 70% over onshore alternatives.

  • 8. How does outsourcing to SourceCX impact control over business processes?

    SourceCX provides an unmatched level of transparency, customization and control of outsourced services. While outsourcing does involve delegating certain functions, regular reporting and communication can ensure that you maintain a clear view of all processes and we are always ready to make adjustments based on your feedback.

  • 9. What are the main benefits of partnering with a BPO provider like SourceCX?

    Benefits include cost savings, transparency, access to specialized skills and technologies, improved service quality, focus on core business functions, and scalability.

  • 10. How does SourceCX ensure consistent quality across different locations?

    We are able to deliver seamless, high-level service across our operational centers through standardized processes, quality assurance measures, training programs and regular performance monitoring.

  • 11. Do your CX services include customer feedback and insight gathering?

    Yes, one of the core aspects of our holistic approach to customer service is to collect and analyze customer feedback, which provides invaluable insights for improving products, services, and overall customer experience.

  • 12. What are the key factors to consider when selecting a BPO provider?

    Some key considerations when choosing a CX solutions company include alignment of values, industry expertise, security and compliance certifications, proposed performance metrics and language capabilities.

  • 13. What AI services does your company offer?

    Our company specializes in AI-enhanced customer service solutions, including IVR (Interactive Voice Response) automations, contextual assistance, and response suggestions for customer service agents. We also provide quality assurance and compliance services, video and content tagging to train algorithms, and generative AI services such as RFP (Request for Proposal) response bots and informational chatbots.

  • 14. How can AI improve our customer service?

    AI can automate routine inquiries through IVR and chatbots, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction. It also assists agents by providing context and response suggestions in real-time, ensuring accurate and efficient customer interactions. Additionally, AI-driven quality assurance can identify areas of improvement and enforce compliance, enhancing overall service quality.

  • 15. How can AI assist customer service agents in real-time?

    AI can provide agents with context about the customer’s issue, based on historical data and current interaction. It suggests responses or actions that the agent can take, making the resolution process faster and more accurate. This support allows agents to focus on complex cases that require human intervention.

  • 16. What quality assurance and compliance services do you offer?

    Our AI-driven quality assurance service analyzes customer service interactions across channels to ensure they meet your company’s standards and regulatory requirements. It identifies patterns, predicts potential compliance issues, and offers actionable insights for continuous improvement.

  • 17. How does video and content tagging work?

    Our video and content tagging service uses human specialists to analyze, categorize, label or describe a variety of media to train machine learning models. Accuracy in this process is extremely important because the models can only be as good as the data that forms the basis for their training.

  • 18. What are generative AI services?

    Generative AI services use algorithms to create text, images, or other outputs based on the data they’re trained on. Our services include RFP response bots that can draft proposals based on your business’s previous responses, and informational chatbots that provide users with answers or content based a set of relevant data that we input into the generative AI model.

  • 19. Can your AI services be customized to fit our specific needs?

    Yes, our AI solutions are highly customizable. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and challenges to tailor our services accordingly. This approach ensures that our AI implementations align with your business objectives and integrate seamlessly with your existing systems.

  • 20. How do you ensure the security and privacy of our data?

    We prioritize data security and privacy in all our AI services. Our systems are designed with robust security measures, including data encryption, secure access controls, and regular security audits. We comply with all relevant data protection regulations to ensure that your and your customers’ information is handled responsibly. We maintain the following certifications through outside auditing bodies: PCI-DSS, ISO 9001-2105, ISO-27001, ISO27701 and SOC2.

  • 21. What is the implementation process for your AI services?

    The implementation process begins with a consultation to understand your needs, followed by the design of a customized solution. We then proceed with the integration and deployment of the AI services into your existing systems or propose new systems that will better meet your requirements. Finally, we provide comprehensive training for your team and ongoing support to ensure smooth operation.

  • 22. How quickly can we see results from implementing your AI services?

    The time to see tangible results varies depending on the complexity of the solution and the specific services implemented. However, many clients observe improvements in efficiency, customer satisfaction, and operational insights within a few weeks to months after implementation.

  • 23. How do you measure the success of your AI services?

    Success is measured using key performance indicators (KPIs) tailored to each service, such as reduced response times, increased customer satisfaction scores, high accuracy in content tagging, and improvements in compliance adherence. We continuously monitor these metrics to optimize performance.

  • 24. How does your RFP response bot work?

    Our RFP response bot uses AI to analyze your company’s previous RFP responses and relevant documentation. It then drafts responses to new RFPs based on this analysis, streamlining the proposal process and ensuring consistency in your responses.

  • 25. What ongoing support do you offer for your AI services?

    We provide comprehensive ongoing support that includes system monitoring, regular updates, and a dedicated support team. This ensures that our AI services continue to operate effectively.

  • 26. What is IVR automation and how does it work?

    IVR automation uses AI to guide callers through a series of automated prompts or questions, allowing them to resolve their queries without speaking to an agent. It leverages natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to voice commands, making the IVR system more intuitive and user-friendly.

  • 27. In which countries does SourceCX have operations?

    We operate in five key locations: the Philippines, South Africa, the Dominican Republic, Armenia, and Madagascar. Each location is chosen for its unique advantages in terms of talent availability, language proficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

  • 28. How does SourceCX determine the best location for a client’s needs?

    We conduct a detailed analysis of each client’s requirements, including language needs, service type, and budget considerations. Based on this analysis, we recommend the most suitable location(s) that align with these factors.

  • 29. Can SourceCX deliver services from multiple locations simultaneously?

    Yes, we are equipped to provide seamless service delivery from multiple locations. Our management processes and proprietary digital team management tools allow for consistent quality and approach.

  • 30. How does billing work with SourceCX?

    Our billing and account management processes are centralized, providing a streamlined and uniform experience for our clients. No matter where your outsourced team is located, you’ll have access to one system for all billing and account management needs.

  • 31. What languages can SourceCX provide support in?

    Thanks to our diverse global locations, we offer support in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch and several others.

  • 32. How does SourceCX ensure quality across different locations?

    We maintain high-quality standards through uniform training programs, consistent service delivery models, and regular quality assessments across all our locations. Our centralized management system allows us to monitor and manage quality effectively, regardless of where the service is being delivered.

  • 33. What types of industries does SourceCX cater to?

    We serve a broad range of industries, including telecommunications, e-commerce, technology, finance, and healthcare. Our diverse talent pool and flexible service offerings allow us to tailor our solutions to meet the specific needs of each industry.

  • 34. How does SourceCX handle data security and privacy?

    Data security and privacy are paramount at SourceCX. We adhere to strict data protection policies and employ advanced security measures, including data encryption and secure access protocols, across all our operations to protect client and customer information. We are certified by third party auditors in the following protocols: ISO27001, ISO27701, SOC2, ISO9001, and PCI-DSS.

  • 35. How can clients monitor and evaluate the service provided by SourceCX?

    Clients have access to our centralized digital management system, which offers detailed reporting and analytics on service performance. Additionally, we establish clear KPI’s and SLA’s to ensure transparency and accountability in our service delivery.

  • 36. What is the process for starting a partnership with SourceCX?

    Starting a partnership begins with a consultation to understand your needs and goals. We then propose a customized solution, followed by an agreement on terms and implementation. Our streamlined onboarding process ensures a smooth transition and quick start-up.

  • 37. Can SourceCX handle seasonal spikes in customer service demand?

    Absolutely. Our global presence and scalable operations allow us to quickly adjust to increases in demand, ensuring that our clients can handle seasonal spikes without compromising on service quality.

  • 38. How does SourceCX ensure cultural alignment in customer service?

    We invest in cultural training and language proficiency to ensure our agents can provide service that resonates with your customers’ values and expectations. This cultural alignment is key to providing empathetic and effective customer service.

  • 39. What ongoing support and communication can clients expect from SourceCX?

    Clients are assigned a dedicated account manager for ongoing support, ensuring clear and consistent communication. We provide regular updates, performance reviews, and are always available for any queries or adjustments needed.

  • 40. How does SourceCX stay ahead in the ever-evolving BPO industry?

    We continuously invest in the latest technologies, training, and development programs to enhance our services. Staying ahead of industry trends and innovations allows us to offer cutting-edge solutions to our clients, ensuring they receive the best possible service in an ever-evolving market landscape.

  • 41. Can SourceCX provide services in languages other than the primary ones mentioned?

    While our primary languages are English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, and Italian, we may be able to accommodate requests for support in additional languages. Please contact us with specific requirements.

  • 42. How does the centralized billing and account management system work?

    Our centralized system means you’ll receive one invoice for services across all locations and languages, simplifying your accounting process. Account management is also centralized, providing a single point of contact for ease of communication and support.

  • 43. How do you ensure data security across different countries?

    SourceCX adheres to stringent data protection standards, including GDPR and other local regulations. Our centralized data management system ensures secure data handling and privacy protection across all operations.

  • 44. What is the process for integrating SourceCX services with existing client systems?

    Our technical team works closely with clients to ensure smooth integration with existing systems, whether it’s CRM software, communication tools, or other platforms. We focus on seamless transitions to minimize disruption.

  • 45. How does SourceCX recruit and train its customer service agents?

    We recruit native or fluent speakers of the languages we support and provide comprehensive training in customer service skills, technical knowledge, and cultural sensitivity to ensure excellence in service delivery.

  • 46. Can SourceCX handle technical support inquiries in multiple languages?

    Yes, our agents are trained to handle a wide range of technical support inquiries across all the languages we support, ensuring your customers receive knowledgeable assistance in their preferred language.

  • 47. What makes SourceCX different from other BPO service providers?

    Our unique selling points include our commitment to transparency, our multilingual support across a broad spectrum of languages, our unparalleled digital team management system, our, centralized billing and account management, and consistent, award-winning service quality across all operational centers.

  • 48. How long does it take to launch services with SourceCX?

    The timeline for launching services can vary based on specific client needs and integration requirements. However, we strive for efficiency and typically get services up and running within a few weeks.

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