Smarter Stays: How Technology Enhances the Guest Experience

Digital services — and in particular, digital communications — have become a key differentiator in the hospitality sector. Just as features like free Wi-Fi, smart TV, and online booking systems moved quickly from “nice-to-haves” to the bare minimum that customers expect, now access to flexible and personalized communications tech is becoming an important factor in prospective guests’ choice of accommodation. A study by Hospitality Technology found that 66% of hotel guests would pay more for accommodation based on the technology available, while 72% would be likely to return to a property offering the technology they want.

It’s, therefore, no surprise that hoteliers are investing heavily in digital transformation, with almost half making investments in staff-facing technology to streamline the guest experience, and over a quarter investing in customer-facing or self-service innovations, as reported by Comcast Business. But the most important question for hospitality organizations looking to achieve the best ROI on technology upgrades is: what initiatives will have the greatest impact on guest satisfaction?

In this 5-minute read we’ll explore:

  • How guest communication has changed in the digital age
  • The importance of personalization to guest satisfaction
  • How technology can improve staff and service efficiency
  • Technology’s role in revealing opportunities for improvement
  • Emerging trends and innovations in the hospitality sector

Digital transformation in guest communication

In an age of instant connectivity, guests expect real-time interactions and swift responses to their queries. In response, hotels and resorts are increasingly leveraging digital tools such as chatbots, mobile applications, and social media platforms to meet these expectations — offering customers a range of channels so they can use the method of communication they feel most comfortable with.

Location-based services have become a key tool in this digital transformation, enabling hospitality providers to offer guests personalized recommendations and information, based on whether they’re in the property or elsewhere in the locale. This technology not only enhances the guest experience by providing relevant and timely information but also creates opportunities for personalized interaction, deepening the relationship between the guest and the establishment.

Digital communication tools also play a crucial role in keeping guests informed about changes, new offerings, or updates to their stay. For instance, if a hotel modifies its cleaning protocols or dining options in response to health and safety guidelines, digital platforms enable swift and clear communication with guests — a use case that was of particular importance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This transparency not only helps in managing expectations but also builds trust, a vital component of customer satisfaction.

Enhancing CX through personalization

Using big data and analytics tools, hotels and other hospitality organizations can better understand and anticipate the needs and preferences of their guests. From the moment a guest books a stay, businesses can begin gathering data to personalize the experience. This includes understanding room preferences, dietary needs, and even leisure interests.

Technologies that offer guests control over their stay, such as mobile check-ins, room selection, and customized in-room amenities, contribute greatly to overall satisfaction. Automation is increasingly important — for example, a guest who prefers a cooler room temperature or a specific type of pillow can have these preferences met automatically, thanks to data gathered from previous stays or preferences indicated during the booking process.

To ensure an authentic customer experience, personal interactions must be similarly customized — which means ensuring that front-of-house staff have access to information on the background and profile of each guest. Specialist CX teams also play a role here, combining purpose-trained agents and real-time AI to provide telephone, email, or messaging support informed by previous interactions and preferences — reducing the burden on onsite staff.

This level of personalization extends beyond physical comforts. Forward-thinking hotels are also curating tailored experiences, such as travel itineraries or custom dining experiences, based on the detailed customer profiles they have built up. Broadening their offering in this way creates deeper relationships and more engaging, satisfying stays that resonate with guests. The result is improved CSAT, positive word-of-mouth, and better online reviews — all crucial factors in the success of any hospitality business.

Operational efficiency and staff optimization

Staff-facing technology, such as mobile devices and smartwatches for housekeeping and maintenance teams, is revolutionizing the way tasks are managed. These technologies enable real-time updates on room readiness, maintenance needs, and guest requests, allowing for more efficient allocation of resources and quicker resolution of issues.

However, nowadays not all interactions need to be handled in person, or indeed on-site. Outsourced CX is a good example of this — without detailed real-time data, remote agents were traditionally limited in the services they could offer guests. Now, specialist CX agents with access to real-time and historical customer data can provide personalized communications based on guests’ previous conversations, offer up-to-date local knowledge on amenities and attractions, and liaise with onsite staff as needed — enabling “always-on” customer service with lower overheads.

At an organizational level, business information or hotel management systems can assist in optimizing employee schedules, ensuring that the property is adequately staffed to meet guest needs at all times while avoiding overstaffing during quiet periods. This not only improves the guest experience but contributes to a less overburdened workforce — and a happier team means happier customers.

Smart facilities and seamless services

The integration of technology into hotel facilities and services is transforming the way guests experience their stay — from smart rooms that allow guests to control lighting, temperature, and entertainment systems through their smartphones, to virtual concierge services offering personalized recommendations and bookings. Features like keyless room entry, voice-controlled devices, and in-room tablets for service requests are becoming standard in high-end hospitality — and as with previous innovations, these changes will quickly propagate through to mid-market and budget properties.

Smart technology also facilitates seamless service experiences — for instance, dedicated mobile applications enable guests to access room service orders, spa bookings, or restaurant reservations without the need for direct interaction with staff. As well as providing convenience for guests, this streamlines operations, reducing wait times and improving service efficiency — and introduces the opportunity to suggest and upsell specific services based on guests’ profile information.

Technology also plays a critical role in ensuring physical safety and data security for guests. Biometric access control systems, AI-powered advanced surveillance, and comprehensive cybersecurity measures are increasingly important to protecting guests and their personal information. Implementing digital signage, mobile apps, and in-room smart devices makes it easier to inform guests about safety measures, evacuation procedures, and changes in service availability. This communication is vital — not only for ensuring compliance with safety regulations but also for managing guest expectations and maintaining peace of mind during their stay.

Feedback, continuous improvement, and post-stay engagement

Operating in a saturated marketplace means that for hospitality organizations, building loyalty, repeat business and greater customer lifetime value is crucial for profitability and growth. The role of technology in gathering and analyzing guest feedback is crucial to the continuous improvement of hospitality services. Surveys and feedback forms sent via email or accessible through mobile apps have made it easier for guests to share their opinions and for hotels to receive real-time feedback.

Technology is indispensable here, enabling providers to analyze the vast amounts of data gathered during stays and interactions and generate strategic insights. AI and machine learning software can aid in monitoring and interpreting customer feedback submissions, online reviews, and social media mentions, providing a broader view of guest satisfaction and identifying action points for service improvement.

Mobile apps or dedicated guest portals can then be used to deliver personalized loyalty rewards (or to compensate customers for an issue experienced during their stay) — offering a free meal, complementary services, or discounted rates on their next stay. For a more personal touch, feedback data can be passed to CX teams in real-time, enabling them to reach out proactively to high-spend or at-risk customers and ensure they feel recognized and appreciated — increasing the chance of future bookings.

Future trends and innovations in hospitality technology

From controlling room ambiance to making service requests, voice assistants enhance guest interactions, making them more intuitive and engaging. Internet of Things (IoT) devices like smart thermostats and appliances increase guest comfort while contributing to both energy efficiency and operational effectiveness. Robotics is another growth area, with robot “employees” now handling tasks ranging from room service to cleaning — while adding an element of novelty and engagement for guests. Immersive technologies like virtual or augmented reality have the potential to open up unique experiences such as virtual property tours or guided explorations of local attractions.

The biggest impact in the near future is likely to come from improvements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These technologies are already taking personalization to new heights but are set to tailor recommendations and anticipate needs ever more accurately in the future, ensuring every guest interaction is both relevant and enriching.


The impact of digital transformation on enhancing the guest experience in the hospitality industry cannot be overstated. From initial booking to post-stay feedback, smart technology has become an integral part of the guest journey. It enables greater personalization, operational efficiency, and communication, all of which contribute to elevated guest satisfaction.

As the industry continues to evolve, those in hospitality must remain adaptive and innovative, continually integrating new technologies to meet and exceed the expectations of their customers. The challenge will be to strike the right balance between high-tech and high-touch, ensuring that technology enhances rather than replaces the personal interactions that are still valued highly by guests.